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In Morocco, the transport sector is the largest consumer of energy, accounting for nearly 38% of national final energy consumption, and contributes to more than 23% of greenhouse gas emissions. This sector depends almost exclusively on petroleum products, which are imported in their entirety and weigh heavily on our trade balance.

The annual growth in fuel consumption in this sector is evolving rapidly with a rate of over 5% per year.

Several measures to reduce the fuel consumption of vehicles are implemented:

• Scrapping programs for old trucks and taxis,
• Mandatory annual technical visits for vehicles
• Promotion of collective travel (tramway, bus, etc.)

These measures need to be strengthened. In this way, the MEAE's transportation energy efficiency program puts in place a set of measures and programs aimed at:

1-Include the obligation to subject energy-consuming transport fleets to an energy audit

2-Promote eco-driving for professional drivers and also for all categories of drivers, during the initial training for the driving license

3-Promote electric mobility: The AMEE works for the development and encouragement and popularization of this new mode of transport through the support of public bodies in:
- the establishment of a green mobility policy,
-the establishment of charging stations for electric vehicles (2 and 4 wheels) through pilot sites in certain cities
-Integration of hybrid cars and electric mopeds in their fleet of state vehicles
-Multiplier communication and awareness of cities and actors on sustainable mobility;

4- Standards, standards and proposed regulatory measures: the AMEE updates and proposes energy performance standards for mopeds and scooters, tires, etc.

5-Inter-Administrative Travel (PDIA) and Inter-Enterprise (PDIE): The AMEE has developed a mobile and web application for the management of inter-administration and inter-company staff relocation, whose objective is to optimize Mobilization of transport fleets of administrations during the displacement of officials (home-work) or employees in industrial areas.

This platform is the first application of its kind in Morocco and is part of a vision of sustainable development, the purpose of which is to improve the quality of travel of civil servants, and the reduction of costs and costs related to energy in the region. transport.
This application has several socio-economic benefits namely:
The economy of fuel consumption,
Reduction of GHG emissions,
The ease of moving staff,
Relief of the circulation,
Optimization of the transport costs of administrations.

6-Sensitization - Training: The AMEE encourages Eco-driving training (which reduces fuel consumption and reduces greenhouse gas emissions and thus protects the environment). order of 5 to 15% in the context of a suitable training, and saves up to 3000 dhs for each 15000 km traveled.

The AMEE organizes public awareness campaigns and training for professionals every year to promote eco-driving.

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