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  • More than 7840 units belonging to the processing industry
  • 1855 companies represent almost 90% of the total energy consumed by the sector
  • Consumption close to 2.8 MTEP and release of 5.99 million te-CO2
  • 12-15% energy saving for industry in 2020

 Results Provisional pilot project of 50 energy audits led by Aderee and supported by the African Development Bank

The main results of the various audits carried out so far have highlighted several EE measures including recommendations and measures that do not require investments, actions requiring only small investments and some actions of greater scope. .

The results of these audits have also highlighted the importance of the use of renewable energies, they concern the installation of solar water heaters for preheating or heating water, solar photovoltaic roofs for production. electricity and the installation of energy efficient streetlights for outdoor lighting.

Recommended EA measures:

The main energy saving measures recommended to audited companies to optimize their energy consumption and therefore their bills:

Electrical part: 15% energy saving  

  • Optimization of contract power
  • Improved cos phi
  • Installation of variable speed drives
  • Choice of equipment operating parameters
  • Substitution of equipment by high efficiency equipment (motors, electric pumps, etc.)
  • equipment maintenance

Thermal and cold part: up to 65% energy saving 

  • Boiler adjustment (combustion, insulation, ...)
  • Isolation of steam circuits, hot water, cold surface
  • Condensate recovery
  • Change of instructions
  • Improved performance of cold groups

Various: Steam circuit, compressed air circuit, energy management: 10% energy saving

  • Installation of energy management system
  • Energy production from renewable energy sources (preheating water, water pumping or solar roofing)image

    EE Industry

    Law No. 47.09:

    This law on energy efficiency was published in November 2011, aims at the rational use of energy resources, reduce the national energy bill and contribute to sustainable development through the integration of energy efficiency measures in a sustainable way. level of all development programs in the sector and, above all, help industrial companies to improve their energy consumption performance.

    It also aims at setting up a:

  • Code of Conduct
  • Support and development of solar water heaters,
  • Generalization of the use of economic lamps
  • A partnership agreement between MEMEE and MICNT on improving energy efficiency in the industrial sector was signed in 2008..

    It revolves around the following axes:

  • Assessment of the existing situation and characterization of energy consumption in the industrial sector;
  • Realization of energy audits;
  • Optimization of the energy consumption of audited companies and the implementation of recommendations;
  • Capacity building and monitoring,
  • Establishment of financing mechanisms;
  • Standardization and certification.
  • Suitable equipment for public lighting.

Trends in EE in the industry worldwide

Industry is the main sector responsible for reducing the energy intensity of industrialized countries. In emerging countries, the residential sector is the main source of energy intensity reduction. In China and the CIS, industry, processing and households contributed equally to energy productivity gains. The energy performance of energy-intensive industries (steel, cement, paper) converge and improve rapidly due to the globalization of these industries. The best performances at the world level are no longer among the most developed countries.